Into the Darkness


Erschienen am 28.05.2019, Auflage: 1/2019
13,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781496729590
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 192 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


Lust, tenderness, devotionand something a little darker too. All can be found in these two mesmerizing vampire novellas by Michael Thomas Ford, where those willing to pay the price can satisfy every hunger . . .
Librarian Ben Hodge has abandoned New York for the sleepy Ozarks town of Downing, Arkansas. But its still not far enough to exorcize the pain of losing his lover. Among the handful of customers visiting the library is Titus Durhama soft-spoken beekeeper who fascinates Ben. Yet theres more to Titus, and to Downing, than Ben can guessa sinister history that melds ancient Ozarks legends, timeless desire, and a thirst that will not be denied . . .
Joe Flanagan has always felt more at home tinkering with machines than being among people. As chief mechanic for a carnival, he hides something else that sets him aparthis desire for other men. But when the carnival teams up with a traveling show of human curiosities, Joe finds unlikely friendship in Derry Stroud, a handsome young man with his own secrets. Compelled to help him, Joe is ready to risk the wrath of the freak shows sinister owner, Mr. Star, unaware of how much he stands to loseor gain.

Praise for the Novels of Michael Thomas Ford

Impactful . . . real . . . Fords beautiful story makes it all seem possible and believable . . . these are rich characters, heartfelt descriptions and real-life happenings that resonate.
The Lambda Book ReportonFull Circle
 An insightful and entertaining read about what we seek, and what answers we find within and without.
BooklistonLooking for It

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