The Time of Revolt


Erschienen am 30.11.2021, Auflage: 1/2021
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781509548408
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 160 S., 0.29 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


As capitalism triumphs on the ruins of utopias and faith in progress fades, revolts are breaking out everywhere. From London to Hong Kong and from Buenos Aires to Beirut, protests flare up, in some cases spreading like wildfire, in other cases petering out and reigniting elsewhere. Not even the pandemic has been able to stop them: as many were reflecting on the loss of public space, the fuse of a fresh explosion was lit in Minneapolis with the brutal murder of George Floyd. We are living in an age of revolt.

But what is revolt? It would be a mistake to think of it as simply an explosion of anger, a spontaneous and irrational outburst, as it is often portrayed in the media. Exploding anger is not a bolt from the blue but a symptom of a social order in which the sovereignty of the state has imposed itself as the sole condition of order. Revolt challenges the sovereignty of the state, whether it is democratic or despotic, exposing the violence that underpins it. Revolt upsets the agenda of power, interrupts time, throws history into disarray. The time of revolt, discontinuous and intermittent, is also a revolt of time, an anarchic transition to a space of time that disengages itself from the architecture of politics.

This brilliant reflection on the nature and significance of revolt will be of interest to students of politics and philosophy and to anyone concerned with the key questions of politics today.


Donatella Di Cesare is Professor of Theoretical Philosophy at the Sapienza University of Rome.


The Right to Breathe

The Constellation of Revolts

Between Politics and Police

Occupations: From the Factories to the Squares

Bella ciao: Notes of Resistance

A Spectral Era

In Search of the Lost Revolution

What Does Revolt Mean?

The Individuals Cry And the Wounds of History

Spartacuss Day After Tomorrow

The Limits of Public Space

The Right to Appear

A Volte-Face on Power


An Existential Tension

If Dissent is a Crime

The New Disobedients

Anonymouss Grin

On Invisibility: A Show of Self-Concealment

Masks and Zones of Irresponsibility


Resident Foreigners: The Anarchist Revolt

Barricades in Time



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